Because Pop-A-Lock® was originally started by law enforcement officers, we are aware of the traumatic and dangerous cases where infants and small children are locked in vehicles.

As a result, we have created the Emergency Door Unlocking Program, or EDU, as a free service to communities and roadside assistance companies. Nationwide, Pop-A-Lock rescues hundreds of children each day, seven days a week, 365 days a year!

Kids and Cars

Pop-A-Lock® is also a proud sponsor of KIDS AND CARS™, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of leaving children unattended in and around cars. We encourage you to visit the KIDS 'N CARS website to learn more about this worthy cause.

In addition to our services provided to the general public, Pop-A-Lock® also provides assistance to emergency service providers and roadside assistance companies with free car door unlocking in emergency situations. This is just one way we can show our commitment to the community we serve. One of the goals of the Pop-A-Lock® EDU Program is to prevent accidents from turning into tragedies.

Copyright © 2006 Pop-A-Lock of Texas • Houston, TX
Web Site by Empire Advertising & Design